Zebrium Release Notes, EA-86 to EA-88

This release notes file covers the latest Early Access (EA) releases from Zebrium, EA-86 to EA-88. These releases include the following features and more:

  • Added support for GPT Services that use new Generative AI models to generate the contents of the new Insights panel on the Root Cause Report page.
  • Added a Show Related Alerts and Suggestions button to the Root Cause Report page for custom alerts, which lets you augment a custom alert with related suggestions from the AI/ML engine.
  • Updated the Zebrium user interface to better match the SL1 user interface.
  • Added the ability to send root cause detections to PagerDuty as events.
  • Added new Beta log collectors on the Integrations & Collectors page.

The following features were added in a maintenance release (MR) after the EA-88 release:

  • You can now switch between dark mode and light mode in the Zebrium user interface in the Select Theme section on the Settings menu (). The mode is saved after you log out of the user interface.  

New Features in EA-86 to EA-88

The following features are included in the EA-86, EA-87, and EA-88 releases of Zebrium.

Enhancements to Root Cause Reports

  • Added support for GPT Services that use new Generative AI models to automatically generate a title, summary, and details for all Zebrium suggestions. This content is displayed in the new Insights panel on the right-hand side of the Root Cause Report detail page.

  • You can enable or disable GPT services for a specific deployment of Zebrium by using the new GPT Services column on the Deployments page (Settings () > Deployments). Enabling GPT Services lets you view the additional details in the new Insights panel on the Root Cause Report detail page. This feature uses external API services from OpenAI.

  • Since not all suggestions that the AI/ML engine generates will relate to problems that actually impact users and require attention, the engine attempts to reason over the data and assess whether a problem actually requires attention. This is shown in the Zebrium user interface as an AI Assessment value of either "No Attention Needed" for content that the AI/ML engine assesses as unlikely to require immediate attention, and "Needs Your Attention" for content that the AI/ML engine believes should be looked into. You can view the AI Assessment on the Root Cause Report page and the summary view on the Alerts page (home page).

    Depending on the quality of the data, some suggestions might not include an AI Assessment.

  • The new Show Related Alerts and Suggestions button on the Root Cause Report detail page for a custom alert lets you augment the alert with related suggestions that the AI/ML engine uncovers in the surrounding log lines. You can use this button to help determine the root cause of a problem by showing a list of other alerts and suggestions that contain the same event.

Updated and New Integrations

  • You can now send root cause detections to PagerDuty as events by using the Send Detections tab for a PagerDuty incident management integration. for more information, see the PagerDuty Incident Management Integrations page in the Zebrium Product Documentation.
  • Added the Create Sample Alert button to all integrations on the Integrations & Collectors page (Settings () > Integrations & Collectors) that have a Send Detection tab. This includes all integrations with a Send Detection tab in the AIOps, Observability DashboardsNotifications, Incident Management, and Webhooks sections on this page. You can use this button to test the integration by sending a test alert to that integration.
  • Added a new configuration metadata setting, @ze_cfg_<name>, to the Logstash filter configuration for collecting logs. For more information, see the Logstash Collector page in the Zebrium Product Documentation.
  • On the Integrations & Collectors page (Settings () > Integrations & Collectors), added new buttons and dialogs for configuring the following Beta log collectors:
    • AWS CloudWatch
    • Azure Monitor
    • VMware vSphere
    • Windows OTel

    For more information, see the Log Collectors and File Uploads pages in the Zebrium Product Documentation.

Updates to the Zebrium User Interface

  • The Zebrium user interface was updated to better match the color scheme and dark theme for ScienceLogic SL1 user interface.
  • You can switch between dark mode and light mode in the Zebrium user interface in the Select Theme section on the Settings menu (). The mode is saved after you log out of the user interface.  
  • You can now sort the Title and Date columns on the Accepted Alert Rules page.
  • When you click the Scan for RC button on the Settings menu (), any Root Cause reports generated by that scan include a lightning bolt icon and the text "Result of RC Scan".

Additional Enhancements

To view the complete Zebrium documentation online, see the Zebrium Product Documentation.

Issues Addressed in EA-86 to EA-88

The following issues were addressed in the EA-86, EA-87, and EA-88 releases of Zebrium:

  • For collector file uploads, and when using the of Zebrium CLI command, the .zerc file has been renamed .ze. For more information, see the File Upload page in the Zebrium Product Documentation.
  • Updated the dialog that appears after you save an Alert Rule to state that the rule was saved and added to the alert list view.
  • In the Zebrium user interface, the deprecated UI Customization menu item was removed from the Settings (hamburger) menu.
  • Fixed broken Help links and added new Help links for some of the integrations and collectors on the Integrations & Collectors page.

Known Issues

The Zebrium releases listed in this document have no known issues.